Sunday, August 19, 2012

Salmon Cakes and a Braid Bun for Date Night

Hello my lovelies!

I recently had a date night with my boyfriend of 4 1/2 years that I made dinner for. I made Salmon Cakes and a mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette. Because of this date night I have a hair style for you that is cute, but gets your hair out of your way for cooking dinner. 

My adorable boyfriend being a dork...
I made him take a normal picture...
I got the recipe for the salmon cakes from Cooks Illustrated magazine a while ago and made them for his birthday about a year ago. He really liked them so I decided it only made sense to make them again! 

The salad was super simple with a mix of greens and diced carrot and bell pepper with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then just tossed.

(I made him a sandwich the next day with the salmon cake and made a spicy mayo that he really seemed to like!)

Next thing is the hair! Really simple, really cute. You really need a hair tie, and a comb/brush, and a couple bobby pins or a hair clip.

As per usual, brush out your hair. Then separate out the top of your hair and pull it straight back and pin to your head. 

Take the rest of your hair and braid it straight down in either a normal or reverse braid.  Once braided all the way down, take the braid and roll it up and tie into a bun when it is tight to your head.  

Ta-da! You are done! 

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or try it on yourself let me know!


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