Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Feeling crafty: terrariums

Hello my lovelies!

I was feeling rather crafty this afternoon and felt that making a terrarium seemed like a really fantastic idea! I have never made one before, so this was a first attempt, but not too bad of least I do not think so.

Once I decided to do this, I got together all of the materials.

So I got a glass container that I got at Hobby Lobby, some shells and sand from the beach, small plants, activated charcoal, and Spanish moss from my local garden center.

There are a couple simple steps, first, place some of the rocks and shells in the bottom of your glass container.

Then you are going to put the activated charcoal on top of this to help reduce the odor that could occur.

I forgot to take a picture, but you are going to place Spanish moss on top of this to keep the dirt from migrating into the bottom layer over time. Then put dirt on top of the moss and add your plants. I chose large plants, so it won't be an enclosed terrarium, but I think it is still cute! I used some chamomile and surrounded the plant with moss from the garden. I am thinking that I am going to get two more containers for my other plants that will be an interesting contrast and make it into a set.

I think these are really cute for an organic table centerpiece, or just a conversation starter to have around your house. And unlike cut flowers, it is alive and will last for a long time!

Let me know if you try this or have questions or comments!


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