Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Olive Oil Hair Treatment

Hello my lovelies!

It has been much to long since I have posted, and I am very sorry. I has just been crazy with my last year of undergrad! I am going to graduate soon and have had little time to blog, but here is a post at last!

For those of you on pinterest, I am sure you have seen the olive oil/coconut oil/avocado/etc. treatments for your hair to keep it healthy and shiny. I admit to having become a fan of these treatments. I started with olive oil, there really was no special reason why this one, just that it was what I had around the house.

I started by pulling out some olive oil that I had in the cupboard, and pouring a small amount into a microwave safe dish.

I then heated it up in the microwave until it was just past lukewarm. 

Be careful not to get it too hot!

 And then I separated my hair into chunks (do this when your hair is dry) to make sure it got evenly distributed and started working it through my hair with my fingers.

Hair separated out into sections.

After it was worked into my entire head of hair I combed it through for even distribution. A general hint is to use a towel to protect your clothing and don't wear something you really care about.

Combing, combing, combing...

Always combing!

Then wrap up your hair in the towel and let it sit for upwards of an hour. When I do this I tend to go about my chores and homework. So it tends to sit in my hair for around 2-3 hours.

Turbans are so in right now!

When you can't stand it anymore and must get the oil out, or it's just been an hour or two, take off the towel and shower. You may have to shampoo twice to get all the excess oil out, but it's so worth the time.

My really oily hair!

I just did a twisted pony-tail to keep it out of my face for a while after the shower. This is not a necessity. 

Once it's dry, enjoy your soft and shiny locks!

For those of you that have really dry or damaged hair I would consider doing this treatment once a week or so.  If you have really oily hair try this about once a month. Just do what works for you!

If you have any comments, questions, or you try this let me know!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Not your mothers pony-tail

Hello my lovelies!

I have a quick and easy way to spice up your ponytail to make it a little more put-together looking and not like you just ran out of the house!

All you need are bobby pins, a comb/brush, and a couple hair elastics. 

To begin with, comb out your hair. Then you are going to separate out pieces of hair from your temples back. Take those pieces and pin out of your way for the moment.

Take all the loose hair that you have left unpinned, and brush into a high ponytail. Unpin the front pieces and wet them down, or just comb it out. Then separate out the front of each piece and start braiding straight back towards the ponytail, only adding hair to the bottom. Keep it high to that it covers the part as well as you can. Tie off the braid when it reaches the pony with a hair elastic. Repeat on the other side.

Use the two braids you just created to wrap around the ponytail holder and pin the ends below the ponytail. 

That's it! You are now done with your hair and ready to start your day! Perfect for school, work, a casual date or a night out!

The look from behind

The look from the side

Let me know if you have questions, comments, or try this hairstyle on yourself!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rosette hair and the arcade

Hi lovelies!

I had a date yesterday with my darling boyfriend and we went to the arcade to play skee-ball (my favorite!) and got pinkberry and bubble tea! It was a really sweet date, and I took a couple pictures for you guys, and then I have a really easy hair tutorial for you to try out!  It is the perfect look for a date that you want your hair out of your face for, or if you just want to look cute for work/school!

The boyfriend was trying to play pinball...but there was a child that was just watching us...

We won a bunch of tickets!
Now on to the hair! All you need are, as usual, a comb/brush, and some bobby pins, and if you like a head band!

Comb out your hair, pulling it straight back from your face. Then you are going to take pieces of hair from by your face and twist it around two fingers until tight with the back or your head. Pin the curl down flat with as many bobby pins as you need Make three of these curls, alternating what side of your head you are taking hair from, and pin them closely together.

You could stop now and leave your hair as-is. Or you could add a cute headband, ribbon, or clip to add a little more pizzazz to your hair! 

The front view of the look

The back view of my hair

The side view

The rosettes that I placed in the back could be placed anywhere else you like to achieve different looks! Another thing to note is that if you sleep with them in you will have little ringlets for a second day look! (If you want the ringlets I would suggest doing a whole bunch to curl your hair with 0 heat)

If you need anything clarified, try it out on yourself, or have any comments I would love to hear them!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Update on the terrarium!

Hello lovelies!

I made a terrarium about a week ago...then I made two more to go with it!  I just thought that I would show you all the terrariums that I made and see what you thought!
All three of them together on top of my dresser


Salmon Cakes and a Braid Bun for Date Night

Hello my lovelies!

I recently had a date night with my boyfriend of 4 1/2 years that I made dinner for. I made Salmon Cakes and a mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette. Because of this date night I have a hair style for you that is cute, but gets your hair out of your way for cooking dinner. 

My adorable boyfriend being a dork...
I made him take a normal picture...
I got the recipe for the salmon cakes from Cooks Illustrated magazine a while ago and made them for his birthday about a year ago. He really liked them so I decided it only made sense to make them again! 

The salad was super simple with a mix of greens and diced carrot and bell pepper with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then just tossed.

(I made him a sandwich the next day with the salmon cake and made a spicy mayo that he really seemed to like!)

Next thing is the hair! Really simple, really cute. You really need a hair tie, and a comb/brush, and a couple bobby pins or a hair clip.

As per usual, brush out your hair. Then separate out the top of your hair and pull it straight back and pin to your head. 

Take the rest of your hair and braid it straight down in either a normal or reverse braid.  Once braided all the way down, take the braid and roll it up and tie into a bun when it is tight to your head.  

Ta-da! You are done! 

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or try it on yourself let me know!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Feeling crafty: terrariums

Hello my lovelies!

I was feeling rather crafty this afternoon and felt that making a terrarium seemed like a really fantastic idea! I have never made one before, so this was a first attempt, but not too bad of one...at least I do not think so.

Once I decided to do this, I got together all of the materials.

So I got a glass container that I got at Hobby Lobby, some shells and sand from the beach, small plants, activated charcoal, and Spanish moss from my local garden center.

There are a couple simple steps, first, place some of the rocks and shells in the bottom of your glass container.

Then you are going to put the activated charcoal on top of this to help reduce the odor that could occur.

I forgot to take a picture, but you are going to place Spanish moss on top of this to keep the dirt from migrating into the bottom layer over time. Then put dirt on top of the moss and add your plants. I chose large plants, so it won't be an enclosed terrarium, but I think it is still cute! I used some chamomile and surrounded the plant with moss from the garden. I am thinking that I am going to get two more containers for my other plants that will be an interesting contrast and make it into a set.

I think these are really cute for an organic table centerpiece, or just a conversation starter to have around your house. And unlike cut flowers, it is alive and will last for a long time!

Let me know if you try this or have questions or comments!


Pumpkin Bread with Candied Ginger and Walnuts

I was browsing through the newest issue of Cooks Illustrated and found a great recipe for pumpkin bread. (Baking is just the TINIEST of addictions... <.< >.> <.<)

Anyway, the pumpkin bread is INCREDIBLE! It has cream cheese and walnuts and candied ginger (which I have recently fallen in love with!) and it is SUPER moist!

If you want the recipe for it you could try the website: http://www.cooksillustrated.com/recipes/login.asp?docid=37161

I think you should try it, it is SO good!

The recipe makes two loaves, and has a crumbly topping that is mostly brown sugar, butter, and ginger and cinnamon. Super good and really popular in my house! 


A Summer Baby Shower and French Twist Ponytail

Well hello my lovelies!

I recently went to my friends baby shower for a baby boy that is due in September. The mommy- and daddy-to-be are naming him Asher, and they have an adorable nursery with an exotic animal theme. There are monkeys and lions and giraffes and elephants and hippos everywhere! 

Anyway, I took a couple of pictures of her opening gifts at the baby shower, and one of our other friends is taking notes on what is from whom for writing thank you notes later. So I will give you a couple pictures of that before I give you the hair style that I created to keep cool in the hall the baby shower was in.

Opening the presents!
The TINIEST shoes I have ever seen!

Little bibs that I made! (There is an apple, carrot, and corn.)
Itty bitty sunglasses!

Now on to the french twist ponytail! All you need is a comb/brush and a ponytail holder!

So, as per usual, brush (or comb) our your hair to make sure you do not run into any snarls when doing this hair style! 

Once your hair is combed out section out a chunk of hair at the top of your head and split it into two pieces. Take the two pieces and cross one over the other, then cross again to make a full twist. Add more hair into each section, and cross the hair over again, keep the hair tight. Continue adding hair as you go down, twisting the hair after each one. Once you reach the end just tie off with the ponytail holder and you are done! 

If you like you could add a cute bobby pin, ribbon around the holder or a flower pin!

The back of the hairstyle

The back again!

The hairstyle from the side
Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or let me know if you try it out on yourself!

<3 <3 <3