Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Braided Mohawk Pony-tail

Hello again my lovelies! I am so sorry for it taking a while to post again, but it's been a CRAZY week at school. This week I have a hair style for you that is leaning a little on the edgy side of things.  Let's get started!

You need to a comb and a hair tie (maybe a few bobby pins to pin back stray hairs and fix bumps.) 

The first thing that you want to do is just comb out your hair to make sure that you don't have any tangles that will get in the way when you are braiding.  Once it is all smooth, comb it to the back of your head.

When pushed back you are going to want to section off your hair on the top of your head. I went from the arch of each eyebrow back.  Take that hair and keep it out, tie back the rest of your hair to keep it out of the way while you braid. 

Take the hair on the top of your head and start dutch braiding at the very front. Slowly pull in the hair from the section that you made earlier, trying to keep the braid going down the middle of your head.  

When you reach the end of the hair in the section, continue to braid for 2-4 more inches.  Tie it off if you have slippery hair and then gather up all of your hair into a high pony tail and tie off. 

This is when you are going to take bobby pins and pin back strays and any bumps that may be in you hair. 

Just as a disclaimer, I took the pictures late in the day and my hair slowly fell out of the bobby pins due to the layers. 

Top View of Braided Mohawk Pony

Side View of Braided Mohawk Pony

As usual, ask any questions that you may have!

                                                                  <3 <3 <3

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