Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The 4 strand braid pull-back

It has been too long my lovelies!
Here is a quick hairstyle to spice up your hair for the day!
This is a 4-strand braid pull back.

Separate out a chunk from the front of your hair and tie the rest back from your face. Take the chunk and separate into four even pieces. Holding the pieces pulling back from your face, start to braid. The braid is taking an outside piece and going over, then under, then the other outside piece going under, then over. Keep repeating this down the strands till you run out of hair.

If that way of thinking about it doesn't work for you, the other way that I have heard it explained is taking one outside piece over, under, over, then flipping the two in the middle and repeat.

Once the strand is done you can tie it off and proceed to mix it into the style. Or, you can do what I did and hold one of the middle strands and push the rest of the braid up to make it a little messier, then tie off.

What I did once I had my braid tied off was pull it into a pony tail to fit what I had to do that day. Or you could pin it with a flower, hide the end under some other hair with pins, or pull back into a bun.

Voila! You are done and ready to head out the door!
