Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Olive Oil Hair Treatment

Hello my lovelies!

It has been much to long since I have posted, and I am very sorry. I has just been crazy with my last year of undergrad! I am going to graduate soon and have had little time to blog, but here is a post at last!

For those of you on pinterest, I am sure you have seen the olive oil/coconut oil/avocado/etc. treatments for your hair to keep it healthy and shiny. I admit to having become a fan of these treatments. I started with olive oil, there really was no special reason why this one, just that it was what I had around the house.

I started by pulling out some olive oil that I had in the cupboard, and pouring a small amount into a microwave safe dish.

I then heated it up in the microwave until it was just past lukewarm. 

Be careful not to get it too hot!

 And then I separated my hair into chunks (do this when your hair is dry) to make sure it got evenly distributed and started working it through my hair with my fingers.

Hair separated out into sections.

After it was worked into my entire head of hair I combed it through for even distribution. A general hint is to use a towel to protect your clothing and don't wear something you really care about.

Combing, combing, combing...

Always combing!

Then wrap up your hair in the towel and let it sit for upwards of an hour. When I do this I tend to go about my chores and homework. So it tends to sit in my hair for around 2-3 hours.

Turbans are so in right now!

When you can't stand it anymore and must get the oil out, or it's just been an hour or two, take off the towel and shower. You may have to shampoo twice to get all the excess oil out, but it's so worth the time.

My really oily hair!

I just did a twisted pony-tail to keep it out of my face for a while after the shower. This is not a necessity. 

Once it's dry, enjoy your soft and shiny locks!

For those of you that have really dry or damaged hair I would consider doing this treatment once a week or so.  If you have really oily hair try this about once a month. Just do what works for you!

If you have any comments, questions, or you try this let me know!
